Road through nature
© Sebastian Hoffmann

Best Practices

Successful in Baden-Württemberg

Baden-Württemberg is home to roughly 7,000 international companies, and each one of them had good reasons for expanding into THE LÄND. As the Number 1 innovation region in Europe, we are a leading hub for research and development in all key industries and cross-sectional technologies. As an economic center and industrial powerhouse in Germany, we offer access to potential suppliers, customers and attractive partners for collaboration. Investors can find skilled workers, an infrastructure that is second to none and a supportive environment for their expansion plans. This mix makes THE LÄND an attractive location for all companies that want to move their business forward.

Read our success stories and find out why foreign corporations, SMEs and start-ups have chosen this location in the German Southwest as well as how your company can also be successful in Baden-Württemberg.

Roche building in Mannheim
© Roche

International companies in THE LÄND