Best Practices
Successful in Baden-Württemberg
Baden-Württemberg is home to roughly 7,000 international companies, and each one of them had good reasons for expanding into THE LÄND. As the Number 1 innovation region in Europe, we are a leading hub for research and development in all key industries and cross-sectional technologies. As an economic center and industrial powerhouse in Germany, we offer access to potential suppliers, customers and attractive partners for collaboration. Investors can find skilled workers, an infrastructure that is second to none and a supportive environment for their expansion plans. This mix makes THE LÄND an attractive location for all companies that want to move their business forward.
Read our success stories and find out why foreign corporations, SMEs and start-ups have chosen this location in the German Southwest as well as how your company can also be successful in Baden-Württemberg.

International companies in THE LÄND
Swiss pharmaceuticals firm Roche likes Baden-Württemberg’s central location, high quality of life and especially its ecosystem, which is key to success. Find out here about the synergies in the health and medical technology sectors in THE LÄND that help Roche drive innovation.
For decades now, THE LÄND has been an important location for the IT firm from the US. Thanks to the region’s unique spirit of invention, it has been home to a series of tech highlights – most recently the quantum computer and the quantum computing center in Ehningen. Read more about how THE LÄND is paving the way for IBM’s success.
Quantum Brilliance chose THE LÄND in order to help shape the future of quantum computing. The Australian company is redefining the limits of this technology in Stuttgart, using all of the possibilities that Baden-Württemberg has to offer, from first-class research to strong network support. Find out more about the success story of Quantum Brilliance in the German Southwest.
The start-up Waveye, which develops radar sensors for self-driving cars and mobile robots, was founded in California and has been located in Baden-Württemberg since 2023. Why? Because the region around Stuttgart has unique know-how in radar technologies that complements the strong software expertise from California. Click here to find out more about this perfect match.
247TailorSteel from the Netherlands was looking for a location in Germany with the right proximity to suppliers and customers – and found it in THE LÄND. The manufacturer of made-to-measure metal sheets, tubes and bent components invested 60 million euros in a new production site in Langenau near Ulm. Read the whole success story here.