City Stuttgart at night

Accessibility statement
Expänd into THE LÄND!

Information in plain language

Symbol for inclusion

The internet pages of
belong to the state agency Baden-Württemberg International - 
Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche 
Zusammenarbeit mbH.

Accessibility statement

Three people conferring at the table

Accessibility means: no barriers.
For example with ramps for wheelchair users.

Accessibility of internet pages means for example:

  • with plain language
  • with sign language
  • with subtitles
  • with texts that are read out loud.
Code of law

Internet pages must be easy for all people to use.
There are some rules for this.
The rules are in here:

  • in Baden-Württemberg’s State Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities.
    The short name for the act is: L-BGG

These internet pages have been checked.
To see if they are easy for all people to use.

Woman with a question

We know there are still problems.
For example:

  • Sometimes the subtitles are missing.
  • Not everything is in plain language.

Reporting problems

Man on the phone

Are you having problems with the internet pages?

Then send an e-mail to: info(at)

Or call us: 07 11 – 22 27 870

Arbitration proceedings

Woman, with an annoyed expression on her face

This means:
You have reported a problem.

  • And we haven’t answered you after 4 weeks?
  • Or you are not happy with our answer?
  • Or we haven’t solved your problem?

Then you can go to the arbitrator.
It doesn’t cost any money.


How to contact the arbitrator

Postal address:
Landes-Zentrum Barriere-Freiheit
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart

Phone: 07 11 – 123 39 375
E-mail: schlichtung(at)

Symbol for inclusion

You can find our information about
Expänd into the Länd
in plain language here:
Please click here!

Logo network plain language

Translation into plain language:
Checked by people with learning disabilities
Member of Germany’s plain language network
Images: © Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V.,
Illustrator Stefan Albers, Atelier Fleetinsel, 2013
Plain language symbols: © Inclusion Europe, ©  Netzwerk Leichte Sprache