Accessibility statement
Expänd into THE LÄND!
Information in plain language

The internet pages of www.expaend.com
belong to the state agency Baden-Württemberg International -
Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche
Zusammenarbeit mbH.
Accessibility statement

Accessibility means: no barriers.
For example with ramps for wheelchair users.
Accessibility of internet pages means for example:
- with plain language
- with sign language
- with subtitles
- with texts that are read out loud.

Internet pages must be easy for all people to use.
There are some rules for this.
The rules are in here:
- in Baden-Württemberg’s State Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities.
The short name for the act is: L-BGG

These internet pages have been checked.
To see if they are easy for all people to use.

We know there are still problems.
For example:
- Sometimes the subtitles are missing.
- Not everything is in plain language.
Reporting problems

Are you having problems with the internet pages?
Then send an e-mail to: info(at)bw-i.de
Or call us: 07 11 – 22 27 870
Arbitration proceedings

This means:
You have reported a problem.
- And we haven’t answered you after 4 weeks?
- Or you are not happy with our answer?
- Or we haven’t solved your problem?
Then you can go to the arbitrator.
It doesn’t cost any money.
How to contact the arbitrator
Postal address:
Landes-Zentrum Barriere-Freiheit
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: 07 11 – 123 39 375
E-mail: schlichtung(at)barrierefreiheit.bwl.de
Internet: https://barrierefreiheit-bw.de

You can find our information about
Expänd into the Länd
in plain language here:
Please click here!

Translation into plain language: www.einfachverstehen.de
Checked by people with learning disabilities
Member of Germany’s plain language network
Images: © Lebenshilfe für Menschen mit geistiger Behinderung Bremen e.V.,
Illustrator Stefan Albers, Atelier Fleetinsel, 2013
Plain language symbols: © Inclusion Europe, © Netzwerk Leichte Sprache