Many Neura Robotics robots standing next to each other
© Neura Robotics GmbH

Engineering from Baden-Württemberg:
We make the equipment for the world's factories

Premium machines and first-class technologies made in THE LÄND

Alongside the automotive industry, engineering is Baden-Württemberg’s top industrial sector. Measured in terms of total revenue, more than one third of all German machines and equipment are produced in the German Southwest. The companies make more than half of their revenue of over 80 billion euros abroad.

The engineering sector in the German Southwest with roughly 300,000 employees is mainly made up of small and medium-sized firms. Many of them are global market leaders in specific areas. Machine tools, conveyor technology, precision tools and drive technology are just some of their key specialties. Machine and plant engineering in Baden-Württemberg is also at the forefront in terms of digitalization – from Industry 4.0 technologies to Big Data analyses and machine learning.

Robot arm

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

Become part of THE LÄND

Discover the advantages ...

... of our highly innovative environment in machine and plant engineering!

Orange and black robot arm

Fact Sheet mechanical engineering

Everything worth knowing at a glance