Woman at the microscope
© Copyright CorTec GmbH

Top location for the German healthcare industry

Innovative power made in THE LÄND for a long and healthy life

Both in Germany and in Europe, Baden-Württemberg is one of the top regions for the healthcare industry. Around 1,100 companies are working in the innovative areas of medical technology, pharmaceuticals and medical biotechnology, and they have excellent growth prospects. The sector is also a strong driver of employment in the Southwest, with roughly 90,000 employees and revenue of about 25 billion euros each year.

Baden-Württemberg is highlighting the significance of the healthcare sector with investments approximating 100 million euros in numerous projects, including the creation of the innovation campus Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim in 2021. A first-in-class center for life sciences of international repute is thus emerging in the Rhine-Neckar region through the collaboration between established universities and research institutions such as the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) and the European Laboratory for Molecular Biology (EMBL). More than 50 million euros in funding are flowing into this flagship project alone.


Person in the medical technology laboratory
© CorTec GmbH

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

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Employee in medical technology or pharmacy

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