Global top location for innovation in the automotive industry
Expand into THE LÄND, the home of Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Bosch
Not only is Baden-Württemberg the place where the automotive was invented 135 years ago, it is also where mobility is being reimagined and redeveloped today. Climate change, digitalization, new technologies and changing user habits are posing major challenges for the industry, and these will need to be overcome in order to transition to a new era for mobility.
As a pioneer for technology, THE LÄND provides the perfect conditions for this transition. For decades, our world-famous automotive manufacturers and suppliers have made up the strongest sector in the region thanks to their global significance. Together with renowned research institutions and universities, they are driving innovations for sustainable and smart mobility for the future. Examples include battery-electric drives, integrated systems and automated driving.

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:
With revenue of almost 140 billion euros, the automotive industry is the strongest industrial sector in Baden-Württemberg and employs around 225,000 people. World-renowned car brands like Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Audi are based in the German Southwest or have major locations here.
There are also roughly 1,000 suppliers in the region. These include global firms like Bosch, Mahle and ZF Friedrichshafen as well as lots of small and medium-sized businesses that are global market leaders in the automotive industry thanks to their highly specialized products. Through their high quality standards and huge expertise in efficient manufacturing technology, they make Baden-Württemberg a perfect location for development, manufacturing and consulting.
The advantage: Your company can benefit from a unique mobility ecosystem that ensures an extensive exchange of knowledge and experience.
Every year, the industry invests more than 13 billion euros in research and development into new technologies in Baden-Württemberg, giving the region huge innovative power. This is facilitated by the close collaboration between automotive manufacturers, suppliers, research institutions and universities, which have organized themselves into more than 25 clusters and industry networks and are supported by the state agency e-mobil BW.
They are progressing technologies of the future such as fuel cells, battery-electric drives and the use of hydrogen. Groundbreaking projects on battery cell manufacturing as well as an excellent existing charging infrastructure play a key role here. The development of mobile technologies of the future such as automated driving and digital services for cars have also provided impetus. One flagship project for the collaboration between all stakeholders is the innovation platform ARENA2036 in Stuttgart, where almost 70 members including Bosch, Daimler Truck and Trumpf as well as start-ups from the industry are working with scientific institutions to progress technological change in the areas of mobility and manufacturing.
The advantage: Your company will become part of a powerful innovation network.
Baden-Württemberg’s broad industrial base makes it a first-class talent pool for the mobility sector. More than 70 colleges and universities offer a huge selection of courses related to the automotive industry. Academic excellence is ensured by the researchers at the innovation campus Future Mobility, where the University of Stuttgart and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) have bundled in excess of 170 research projects in the fields of mobility and manufacturing.
The focus is not only on traditional and alternative drive technology but also ultra-modern manufacturing methods. The strong and well-known companies also attract highly qualified staff and executives from all over the world. They value the career prospects that Baden-Württemberg offers them.
The advantage: Your company will have access to excellently trained staff.
Become part of THE LÄND
Discover the advantages ...
... of Baden-Württemberg as a location for global corporations and innovations driving an emission-free future. Our experts are ready to advise you.