Woman in an automobile production facility
© Mercedes Benz Group

Global top location for innovation in the automotive industry

Expand into THE LÄND, the home of Mercedes-Benz, Porsche and Bosch

Not only is Baden-Württemberg the place where the automotive was invented 135 years ago, it is also where mobility is being reimagined and redeveloped today. Climate change, digitalization, new technologies and changing user habits are posing major challenges for the industry, and these will need to be overcome in order to transition to a new era for mobility. 

As a pioneer for technology, THE LÄND provides the perfect conditions for this transition. For decades, our world-famous automotive manufacturers and suppliers have made up the strongest sector in the region thanks to their global significance. Together with renowned research institutions and universities, they are driving innovations for sustainable and smart mobility for the future. Examples include battery-electric drives, integrated systems and automated driving.

DLR test vehicle with encapsulated wheels and brakes
© DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

Become part of THE LÄND

Discover the advantages ...

... of Baden-Württemberg as a location for global corporations and innovations driving an emission-free future. Our experts are ready to advise you.

Battery of an electric Mercedes-Benz

Fact Sheet Mobility

Everything worth knowing at a glance