Hydrogen-powered airplane

Welcome to THE Aerospace LÄND: 
The center for aerospace in Germany

Baden-Württemberg is your starting point for the future of aerospace technology

Avionics, drones and launch vehicles are just a selection of focal areas of the aerospace industry in Baden-Württemberg. THE LÄND is one of the top locations internationally for the industry, with roughly 40% of all German employees from this sector working in Baden-Württemberg. Global corporations like Airbus and Thales are represented, as are small and medium-sized enterprises. They form a close network of high-performing manufacturers and suppliers, complemented by first-in-class equipment providers and excellent universities and research institutions.

The aim of the innovative campaign promoted by the State of Baden-Württemberg, THE Aerospace LÄND, is to further consolidate the region’s strengths and prepare the aerospace industry for the challenges of the future.

Laser-based flight instrumentation for airspeed
© DLR (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0)

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

Become part of THE LÄND

Enter the world of aerospace technology ...

... in Baden-Württemberg, where your company can reach new horizons and take the lead on technological advancement!

DLR hybrid aircraft flying in the sunrise

Fact Sheet aerospace industry

Everything worth knowing at a glance