Waver with quantum technology chips Quant

Center for quantum technology in the heart of Europe

Find out how quantum technology is shaping the future

Quantum technology is one of the most promising business areas of the future and will fundamentally change our world. Baden-Württemberg is a leading location for this growing industry. Countless stakeholders from business and science are contributing to the location’s success. These include world-famous companies like Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Trumpf and Carl Zeiss, highly respected universities in Stuttgart and Ulm as well as reputable research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Society, which together with IBM commissioned Europe’s first commercial quantum computer in THE LÄND back in 2021. 

This means your company has access to applied research, innovative products and smart manufacturing methods in the realm of quantum technology. The small and medium-sized tech firms in the region also offer opportunities as potential customers for quantum technology products.

Laser measurement technology from Quant

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

Become part of THE LÄND

Join Baden-Württemberg ...

... and take advantage of our highly dynamic environment in quantum technology!

Quantum Chip

Fact Sheet Quantum Technologies

Everything worth knowing at a glance