Center for quantum technology in the heart of Europe
Find out how quantum technology is shaping the future
Quantum technology is one of the most promising business areas of the future and will fundamentally change our world. Baden-Württemberg is a leading location for this growing industry. Countless stakeholders from business and science are contributing to the location’s success. These include world-famous companies like Mercedes-Benz, Bosch, Trumpf and Carl Zeiss, highly respected universities in Stuttgart and Ulm as well as reputable research institutions such as the Fraunhofer Society, which together with IBM commissioned Europe’s first commercial quantum computer in THE LÄND back in 2021.
This means your company has access to applied research, innovative products and smart manufacturing methods in the realm of quantum technology. The small and medium-sized tech firms in the region also offer opportunities as potential customers for quantum technology products.

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:
In Baden-Württemberg, quantum technology benefits from comprehensive state support. The state has invested 115 million euros in quantum technology since 2019. Another 480 million euros comes from the federal budget and the EU. This gives companies and institutions the chance to display their academic and economic prowess and take the lead on the quantum revolution.
Baden-Württemberg’s state government also helps to bundle important competencies in the state. It enhances the networks, lending the region visibility in Germany and around the globe. It’s an efficient and cost-conscious way of progressing innovations in industries of the future, like health, mobility and climate protection.
The advantage: Funding and combined innovative power make it easier for you to gain your foothold in THE LÄND.
The state initiative Quantum BW bundles a range of different competencies, from fundamental quantum physics to quantum computing and quantum sensors. It is an amalgamation of ten companies, seven universities and three non-academic research institutions. The members form a close network that facilitates joint developments, new business models and large-scale knowledge sharing.
Another project with flagship status is the Center for Integrated Quantum Science and Technology (IQST) in Stuttgart and Ulm, which undertakes interdisciplinary research into quantum systems. There is also the Competence Centre Quantum Computing BW and the QSens cluster. These projects combine fundamental and applied research and promote an exchange with the high-tech companies in the region.
The advantage: Your company will have fast access to support offerings and a unique ecosystem.
THE LÄND offers the perfect setting in which to find staff skilled in quantum technology. Universities in the state have been looking at the topic for some time and have created a theoretical framework. Together with corporations and start-ups, a network has been created in this way that focuses on research as well as applied projects. This ecosystem attracts talents from all over the world who want to hone their professional skills in Baden-Württemberg without having to move away.
The advantage: Your company will have access to ambitious and well-trained experts for the long term.
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... and take advantage of our highly dynamic environment in quantum technology!