a living example of an industrial future
Find out why Baden-Württemberg is a hotspot for Industry 4.0 and digital transformation
Baden-Württemberg provides the ideal set-up for factories of the future. We combine a long legacy of industrial experience with innovative digital technologies. This makes THE LÄND a hotspot for Industry 4.0 – the new Industrial Revolution. It stands for connecting machines and processes across industries and value added chains in an intelligent way. We are driving this development forward and ensuring that Industry 4.0 will move from being a vision to a lived reality in the German Southwest.

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:
Successful industrial firms have been shaping Baden-Württemberg for more than 100 years. These include the automotive, mechanical and electrical engineering sectors. The region is a global pioneer in automation technology, with corporations and SMEs using smart factories to integrate state-of-the-art information and communication systems into their manufacturing.
One example is Factory 56 by car manufacturer Mercedes-Benz in Sindelfingen near Stuttgart, which is characterized by maximum flexibility. Entirely different car models are being built at the same level in the factory. Numerous start-ups and service providers in THE LÄND are working on optimizing the factories of tomorrow even further. These include experts for artificial intelligence who play a key role in analyzing large quantities of data and in automated decision-making.
The advantage: A strong industrial environment will boost the digitalization of your company and give access to potential customers.
Companies and research institutions in THE LÄND are aware that they can only master the current industrial revolution together. This is why they are bundling their development power in networks.
The research campus ARENA 2036 in Stuttgart is an innovation platform where almost 70 members from industry, including Bosch, Daimler Truck and Trumpf, are collaborating with universities and research institutions to champion the technological transition around Industry 4.0 in the areas of mobility and production. They work on an interdisciplinary basis from the automotive sector to aerospace and from materials research to work science and with a mix of basic and applied research. Another network is Allianz Industrie 4.0 with 40 partners in total, which is funded by the Ministry of Economic Affairs, Labour and Tourism Baden-Württemberg. It bundles competencies and accompanies industrial SMEs on the journey to Industry 4.0.
The advantage: You will find ways in this region to join forces and shoulder the effort needed for industrial transformation.
The successful technological shift in Baden-Württemberg is underpinned by an excellent scientific backdrop. This environment is created by universities and colleges as well as by the Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology and Automation (IPA) in Stuttgart and Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Challenging technical study programs produce talented graduates in technical professions.
As a result, Baden-Württemberg has the highest density of engineers in all of Germany, with engineers accounting for roughly 4 per cent of all employees.
The advantage: The dynamic university and research environment will form a pillar of your success in Baden-Württemberg.
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