a living example of an industrial future

Find out why Baden-Württemberg is a hotspot for Industry 4.0 and digital transformation

Baden-Württemberg provides the ideal set-up for factories of the future. We combine a long legacy of industrial experience with innovative digital technologies. This makes THE LÄND a hotspot for Industry 4.0 – the new Industrial Revolution. It stands for connecting machines and processes across industries and value added chains in an intelligent way. We are driving this development forward and ensuring that Industry 4.0 will move from being a vision to a lived reality in the German Southwest.

Overview of the ARENA2036 research campus with many projects in one hall

Why Baden-Württemberg is ideal for your expansion plans:

Become part of THE LÄND

Join Baden-Württemberg ...

... and grow your company in an innovative environment!

Overview of the ARENA2036 research campus with many projects in one hall