Accessibility statement for
The state agency Baden-Württemberg International - Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mbH makes every effort to ensure that its online content is accessible in accordance with Section 10 (1) L-BGG (Landes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz: State Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities)
This accessibility statement applies to the website of the state agency Baden-Württemberg International - Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mbH.
1. Status of compliance with the requirements
The website of the state agency Baden-Württemberg International - Gesellschaft für internationale wirtschaftliche und wissenschaftliche Zusammenarbeit mbH is partially compliant with the requirements in Section 10 (1) L-BGG. There is content that hinders access to information and accessibility for people with disabilities.
2. Non-accessible content
The content listed below is non-accessible for the following reasons: Non-compliance with Section 10 (1) L-BGG
- In some cases, videos embedded using iframes may link to videos that do not have subtitles
- Links to external documents or websites outside of the website of the state agency
- Some documents that were supplied externally
- Interactive web applications
3. Preparation of this accessibility statement
This statement was prepared on 18 September 2024.
The statement was prepared based on a self-assessment by BW_i pursuant to Section 4 (2), No. 1 L-BGG-DVO (Landes-Behindertengleichstellungsgesetz-Durchführungsverordnung: Implementation Ordinance for the State Act on Equal Opportunities for People with Disabilities)
The statement was last reviewed on 18 September 2024.
4. Feedback and contact information
Have you noticed any deficiencies on our websites in terms of compliance with the accessibility requirements? If so, please e-mail us at info(at) or call us at +49 (0) 711 22787-0.
5. Arbitration procedures
If you feel that this website is not accessible, you can notify our contact person or department as set out in 4. above.
In the event that, within a period of four weeks, we do not respond to your enquiry or do not respond in a satisfactory manner, you can contact the arbitrator at the Landeszentrum Barrierefreiheit (LZ-BARR). You can reach the arbitrator at:
Landeszentrum Barrierefreiheit
Else-Josenhans-Straße 6
70173 Stuttgart
Phone: +49 (0)711 123 39375
E-mail: schlichtung(at)
The arbitration procedure is free of charge.
Reference is made to the right of associations to initiate proceedings in accordance with Section 12 (1) Sentence 1 No. 4 L-BGG.
6. Plain language
You can find information about our websites in Plain language.
The accessibility statement is also available in Plain language.